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How To Bring A Vibrator Into The Bedroom

How To Bring A Vibrator Into The Bedroom

Vibrators are often seen as something of a solo toy, and we won’t deny that is a whole world of fun, but they can also be wonderful for you and your partner to enjoy together. Whether you’re routinely adventurous in the bedroom or are looking to explore new things together, a vibrator can be a great addition to your lovemaking routine. Read on to find out more about how to broach the subject of introducing your vibrators and some fun tips and tricks for you to try out together.  

Be Confident And Be Clear 

This is really a golden rule for anything that happens between you and your partner, but it’s especially important when you’re introducing something new like a toy. The first thing to do is to banish any stigma, sex is supposed to be fun and feels good, and that’s really all there is to using any toy, such as a wand massager and vibrator. So there’s no need to be coy or apologetic, and chances are that excitement will rub off, so to speak!

Be Active, Not Passive 

Vibrators are, amazing, and they can liven up even the most vanilla of encounters! But they aren’t there to do the work for you, you’re only going to enjoy the experience if you both feel like active participants. Remember, the vibrator is there to amplify and heighten the experiences you’re having, for example, by using it to stimulate other erogenous zones on the body, providing a flood of pleasure and sensation. 

Teach And Practice 

One of the most enjoyable parts about bringing a vibrator into the bedroom is to bring a sense of play, and fun to your evenings (Or mornings), and the best way to do that? By discovering how best to use it together. If you already know what your body likes, then you can show your partner exactly how best to use the vibrator, not just with verbal instructions, but by guiding their hand as they hold the vibrator. And if you’re both new to this, don’t jump right in, instead, take your time and have some fun trying different techniques and areas. 

Brining a toy into the bedroom is an amazing way to spice up your love life for you and your partner, and there is no better range than the amazing wand massagers we have here at Bedgeek. What’s more, all of our products come with specially designed gift wrapping, making them perfect for birthdays, valentines, and other romantic occasions! To get yours, simply order through our website today! 

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