£29.99 GBP
Taxxa inkluża.
Żieda pjaċir tiegħek għall-għoli ġodda mal ċirku tagħna app-kontrollati vibrating cock. Ħadd għall-koppji li jfittxu intimità eċċitanti, dan l-aċċessorju sleek u diskret joffri vibrazzjonijiet personalibbli fil-punti tas-swaba tiegħek. Bl-app intuwittiv smartphone, inti tista 'l-effiċjenza tesplora firxa ta 'mudelli pulse-pounding u livelli ta' intensità, jippermettilek li tfassal l - esperjenza tiegħek għax - xewqat tiegħek. Kemm jekk inti qed indulging fil play solo jew ittejjeb intimacy sieħeb, dan ċirku cock huwa ddisinjat biex tintensifika sensazzjonijiet kemm imsieħba. Magħmula mill-materjali premium u fih muturi whisper-quiet, dan jiżgura esperjenza komdu u diskret kull darba. Esplora reali ġodda ta 'divertiment u konnessjoni mal ċirku tagħna vibrating cock.
UK Standard Delivery 2-3 Days
UK Next Day Delivery 1 Day
Order Saturday or Sunday and we will ship on Monday.
Order Next Day on a Friday before 11am and it will be delivered Monday.
All packages are shipped in totally discreet packaging.
If you have simply changed mind and the seal is not broken on the outer packaging you can return back to us for a refund or exchange up to 30 days after purchase.
If the seal is broken and the product is not faulty I’m afraid for hygiene purposes we cannot accept a return of your order.
If the seal is broken and your product is faulty you can return this back to us for a full exchange. All bed geek products are covered with a 12 month warranty.