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Essential Tips For Cleaning And Maintaining Your Sex Toys

Essential Tips For Cleaning And Maintaining Your Sex Toys

Whilst it’s not the most fun part about owning a luxurious vibrator—making sure you maintain it and keep it clean will be essential to having a good time night after night (Or morning, if the mood takes you!) which is why we’ve prepped this helpful little guide for what you can do to make sure your vibrator is clean and looked after so you can make the most of it.

Stick To A Schedule 

Suggesting you should clean your toys often is almost a given, yet many of us still forget, or simply overlook the idea, but the reality is that it’s a simple and necessary affair. Often it will be as simple as a quick wash in the bathroom sink after you’re done with your self-care session. Just make sure to use nothing more than a little warm water and soap, avoiding harsh chemicals such as hand sanitisers and rubbing alcohol. 

Inspect Them Regularly 

It doesn’t matter how frequently you use your toys, wear and tear can accumulate. With toys made from harder plastics, there’s a danger of splintering but even with the softer and more natural feeling toys, there’s the danger of ripping. That’s why it pays to closely inspect your toys before using, and frequently in between just in case.  

Using The Right Lubricant 

Using the right lubricant isn’t just a matter of pleasure and comfort, it’s also something that will help protect your toys. Using silicone-based lubricants can damage more realistic, or softer feeling, toys. Whilst oil-based lubricants can also be damaging, which is why it may be better to stick with water-based lubricants. 

Store Them Correctly 

Discretion is probably the first thing we all think of when storing our toys, but out of sight and out of mind is a bad idea. Where you store your toys will have an impact on their cleanliness and longevity. As the soft silicone finishes can often be a magnet for dust and other unpleasantries, it’s important to make sure they’re kept in a box that will keep them secure from contaminants. Additionally, if you don’t plan on using them frequently, you should remember to remove the batteries to prevent corrosion. 

Another key part of storing your sex toys is that always ensure you keep them dry, no one wants any mould or mildew to collect on their toys, especially when they’re going to be coming into close contact with your skin. That means storing them in a clean and dry place and making sure to thoroughly dry them after cleaning before storing them away. 

Knowing how to store your toys will only truly matter if you have the very best toys available, and nowhere will you find a greater degree of luxury and sensation than by purchasing from bed geek. We’re sure you’ll love our wand massager, so why not click through and purchase your very own today!

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